Worship Services
We offer Morning Prayer each Sunday during Lent at 9:00 AM and a traditional Rite II Eucharist worship service at 10:00 AM each Sunday. In addition, Morning Prayer is live-streamed on Grace's Facebook page at 9:00 AM service.
We do not have nursery care at this time. However, we are an inter-generational church so all children are welcome in our services.
The Grace Church choir participates in the 10:00 AM service. Coffee hour and fellowship follow this service in the Parish Hall.
Blessings of the Animals
At the Feast of St. Francis, celebrated each fall, members and community friends are invited to bring their furry family to our 11:00 AM service for a special liturgy and blessings. This service is held outdoors, weather permitting. All creatures great and small are invited!
Advent/Lenten Programs
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, Grace hosts a study session with Holy Eucharist and lunch every Thursday at 11:30 AM. These weekly lunches are available, not just to Grace Church members, but to the whole community.
To see all that is offered during these special times, click the button below.
Music Ministry
My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered.
Psalm 71:23
The Music Ministry at Grace Church is a vibrant one where members come together to glorify God through music.
The choir participates in the 11:00 AM Sunday worship service. Practice takes place on Sunday at 10:00 AM before worship begins. All are welcome to join!
If you are interested in learning more about how to be a part of our Music Ministry, please contact our Music Director, Dee Kysor.
Our Anglican tradition recognizes sacraments as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p.857)
Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his Church. In addition, we honor the sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage, Reconciliation (private confession), Unction, and Ordination.
We believe in a loving, liberating, life-giving God. Our commitment to the sacraments reminds us of this abundant love offered to all people – no exceptions, We strive to follow the example of Jesus in our hearts, in our worship, and in our actions. Therefore, at Grace Church, we practice full inclusion in all of our sacraments for each and every person.
You can learn more about our sacraments here:
You can learn more about the Episcopal Church and the sacraments here: